20 August 2021

Afghanistan is at the tipping point of a return to violence, instability and insecurity. The escalation of violence risks exacerbating inequality, injustice and denial of human rights of its people and unleashing abuse and harassment of those who are vulnerable, particularly women and girls.

We are deeply worried about the situation of Afghan women and girls including their rights to education, work, freedom of expression and movement and their safety, security and dignity. We urge all those in power to guarantee the safety and protection of women and girls and all Afghan citizens.

The return of an authoritarian government to office is a setback for democracy. A victory won by armed force cannot deliver security, peace and stability but instead perpetuates war, escalates the existing humanitarian crisis and deepens existing vulnerability. We the members of Fight Inequality Alliance Asia denounce the use of armed force, invasion, and occupation of Afghanistan.

It is critical to remember that this conflict is unfolding amidst the COVID-19 pandemic which has added to peoples’ misery.

Therefore, we call on the governments in Asia to work together to broker peace and resolve the deadly conflict in Afghanistan, to activate all regional inter-governmental mechanisms and forums and work through them to find a solution to the problem – a solution that guarantees security and protection for all citizens including women, girls and children and one which fights corruption, strengthens governance and works for equality, justice and peace.

We urge the UN and the international community to take immediate steps to resolve the crisis in Afghanistan and ensure coordinated humanitarian support and assistance. This response must be gender responsive and inclusive and respect Afghan citizens’ needs and priorities.     

We appeal the civil society organizations, networks and alliances in the region to extend practical solidarity with the people of Afghanistan.   

All Afghan girls and women, boys and men deserve to live a life that is safe, secure and dignified and aspire for a life of equality, free from discrimination, abuse and harassment. The Fight Inequality Alliance Asia urges the international community to ensure that these aspirations of the Afghan people are heard and respected. 


Fight Inequality Alliance Asia
