Winning the Future for the 99%

What is the Fight For Alternatives Global Assembly?

The Fight For Alternatives Global Assembly is a pivotal gathering of activists, movements, organisations, economists, thinkers, influencers and artists dedicated to mobilising to fight for alternatives to the neo-liberal system. It's a space for sharing our stories, ideas, building solidarity, and strategising on how to fight inequality effectively through people’s alternatives. It will take place on 4 - 7 September, 2024 in The University of The Philippines - Bahay ng Alumni Hall, Dillman, Manila. You can also join key sessions virtually.

Who should attend the Global Assembly?

The Global Assembly is open to anyone passionate about fighting inequality. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Activists and advocates
  • Community organisers
  • Non-profit organisations and social movements
  • Scholars and researchers
  • Artists
  • Students
  • Members of marginalised communities
  • Influencers
  • Anyone interested in making a difference in the fight against inequality


Do I need to be a member of the Fight Inequality Alliance to attend?

No, you do not need to be a member of the Fight Inequality Alliance to attend. While FIA members will form the majority of participants, we welcome all individuals and groups who share our commitment to combating inequality. The movement is growing - let’s work together.

Who is organising the Fight For Alternatives Global Assembly?

The Fight for Alternatives Global Assembly is organised by the Fight Inequality Alliance (FIA).

Are there any costs associated with attending?

This is a self funded event. We do not charge for attending the Assembly, but the cost of transport, visas, food, accommodation and any other incidental expenses are for your own account. Estimated costs excluding flights is USD 470.

What can I expect from attending the Global Assembly?

Participants can expect a dynamic and engaging experience, including: 

  • Discussions with leading voices in the fight against inequality
  • Assemblies to imagine the alternative system of our dreams and how to make it real
  • Networking opportunities with activists and organisations from around the world
  • Strategy sessions to develop concrete regional and national action plans
  • Cultural events, performances, and solidarity visits to learn from local experiences.


Is this the first Global Assembly or others have happened before?

This is the first ever Global Assembly of Alternatives and will be a prototype for future years. This annual event will become *the* gathering for the movement fighting inequalities across the world, the movement fighting for alternatives to the current system.

Do you offer any accessibility services for attendees with disabilities?

We strive to ensure accessibility for all attendees with disabilities. Please inform us of your specific needs so we can work to accommodate them. Our goal is to be as inclusive as possible.

Do I need a visa to travel to the country where the Global Assembly is being held?

Please check here to see if you need a visa to travel to Manila. Please reach out to if you require an invitation letter.

Will there be language interpretation services available during the Global Assembly?

We will be providing interpretation services in English, French, Spanish and Filipino. Please do indicate your interpretation needs in the logistics form.

What are the expected outcomes of the Global Assembly?

  1. A stronger movement fighting for alternatives and reforms on tax, debt, austerity, wealth, work and public services.
  2. A broader people’s alternatives campaign for the following years creating a blueprint for a new socioeconomic system built by the people most affected.
  3. An urgent message from The Fight for Alternatives Global Assembly to decision makers and global institutions around the globe to end greed, war and neoliberalism.
  4. A basis and a call for a much larger 2025 Global Action and Global Assembly


How will participants be able to stay connected and continue working together after the Global Assembly?

This is an event to build and develop people’s alternatives to fight inequalities in the years to come through permanent national, regional and global alliances with enhanced collaboration, expanded membership and common action plans, as stated in FIA’s 10 Year Roadmap.

How can I register for the Global Assembly?

Registration is easy! Simply visit our registration page and fill out the form.

What happens after I register? Can I just go ahead and book my flights?

After you register, we will send you a logistics note detailing your next steps and processes. This will include a list of accommodations, a link to register your logistics, and a way to inform the organising team of your arrival and any support you might need from us. Additionally, we will ask for your permission to be added to a WhatsApp group, where you will receive updates on logistics, the program, and other discussions.

Can I volunteer at the Global Assembly?

Yes, volunteers are a vital part of making the Global Assembly a success. If you are interested in volunteering, read this for more information and to sign up.

Who can I contact for more information?

For any additional questions or more information, please send an email to: